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  • Welcome to the Proving Grounds
    1. Objective The primary objective is to ensure uncompromised safety. The Proving Grounds is dedicated to the personal safety of Range Users, Firearms Instructors, Guests, and the surrounding public. This document establishes foundational operating practices for activities on the Proving Grounds property to guarantee everyone's safety. However, recognizing that no single document can cover every potential situation on a shooting range, Proving Grounds grants discretion to its Directors, Staff Members, Range Safety Officers, and Firearms Instructors to make immediate decisions based on their training and professional experience. 2. Purpose This document outlines the necessary measures to organize, conduct, and supervise safe shooting activities and range operations. The Range Safety Procedure (SOP) will guide the Proving Grounds staff in their duties and responsibilities. It also serves to communicate expectations to Range Users during their time on the Proving Grounds property. 3. Scope This document applies to the safe operation of the outdoor gun ranges on the Proving Grounds property and encompasses all Range Users, Firearms Instructors, Guests, and staff members. Safety is paramount and must never be compromised! 4. Facilities The firing range is located at 16990 Kinsman Rd. in Middlefield, Ohio. 100-Yard Range: 20 bay x 100 Yard Rifle, Pistol, and Defensive Shotgun. 500-Yard Range: Long-Range Rifle Range & Elevated Shooting Platform - Coming Soon. Classroom and Training Pavilion: 24' x 24' Indoor Classroom in 24' x 80' Training Pavilion. Bathroom Facilities: Single unisex porta-potty. Parking: A gravel parking pad in front of the Training Pavilion can accommodate approximately 20 cars, and a second parking pad for 10 or more vehicles is located along the entrance drive. The drive next to the Training Pavilion is reserved for instructors and emergency vehicles. VERY IMPORTANT: In the event of an accidental shooting or injury, inform the 911 dispatcher that it is a training accident. Failure to do so will result in the fire department staging next door until the Sheriff’s Office has secured the scene.
  • What to Bring & How to Bring it
    Eye & Ear Protection Eye and hearing protection are mandatory and must be worn by all Range Users, Firearms Instructors, and Guests whenever the range is HOT. An instructor or RSO will inform everyone to put on personal protection before commencing a Live Fire exercise. All protective gear should meet applicable ANSI or OSHA standards. Firearm Transportation to the Firing Line Except for Law Enforcement personnel, RSOs, Firearms Instructors, and Proving Grounds Staff Members, all firearms must be transported between a vehicle and the Firing Line in a case. Firearms must be unloaded, with magazines or cylinders out/open, and actions open or flagged. Do not handle or load weapons until instructed by an instructor or RSO. Open/Concealed Carry NO open or concealed carry of a loaded handgun is allowed except for Law Enforcement personnel, RSOs, Firearms Instructors, and Proving Grounds Staff Members. Range Users in a training class that requires drawing from a holster may have a loaded handgun in a holster, provided they are under the supervision of a Firearms Instructor or have the permission of the RSO. Clothing Suggestions Lightweight, long-sleeve, breathable shirt with a low collar. Comfortable pants with sturdy belt loops. A sturdy belt if wearing a holster. Ballcap. Comfortable, closed-toe, supportive shoes or boots. Layered clothing for cold weather. Weapon Support Safety glasses and ear protection. Firearms & magazines. Ammunition. Range bag/firearm case. Cleaning kit. Good Ideas Sunscreen. Bug spray. Personal first aid kit. Water bottle. Hand wipes. Rainwear or cold-weather gear. Folding chair. Warning: It is not uncommon for a semi-automatic firearm to eject a hot brass cartridge after firing, which may come into contact with the shooter's skin. While unpleasant, it will not cause a severe burn. Proper clothing can reduce the chance of catching hot brass. Avoid tank tops, high open collars, V-neck or low-cut shirts, and spaghetti-strap shirts. Also, avoid flip-flops, sandals, or open-toed shoes.
  • Firing Range Limits
    Firing Range #1 This range is ~100' wide by 100 yards long and is dedicated to handgun, defensive shotgun, and rifle shooting. It has approximately 20 five-foot-wide firing positions for handguns and slightly fewer for rifles. The Training Pavilion has four wooden bench rests and prone shooting positions. The range is oriented south to north, with a 20'+ tall earthen termination backstop and 8' tall earthen side berms. The Training Pavilion provides outdoor classroom space and a 24' x 56' covered firing position for rifle fire only. An open area closer to the backstop is provided for pistol, rifle, and shotgun training. Pistols and shotguns may not be fired from the Training Pavilion. The range MUST ALWAYS be under the control and supervision of an RSO or Firearms Instructor, who shall ensure a single, safe Firing Line. At no time will Live Fire be allowed from more than one Firing Line at a time. Firing Range #2 This range is not included in the lease of the 100-yard range and requires a separate booking reservation. This range is 90' wide by 500-yard long and is dedicated to long-range shooting from optic-equipped rifles. The range is oriented south to north, with a 15' tall earthen termination backstop and limited side berms. An elevated shooting platform is provided. This range MUST always be under the direct supervision of an RSO, Long-Range Rifle Instructor, or trained SWAT Sniper. FOR SAFETY PURPOSES, THE SHOOTING PLATFORM MAY NOT BE USED IF THE 100-YARD RANGE IS OCCUPIED!
  • Roles, Responsibilities, Nomenclature
    Chief Range Safety Officer - The Chief Range Safety Officer ("CRSO") is responsible for developing gun range Standard Operating Procedures (“SOPs”), establishing safety programs and emergency plans, performing and reviewing safety audits, training and supervising Range Safety Officers (“RSO”), and may perform the duties of an RSO. Range Safety Officer - Range Safety Officers ("RSO") ensure Range Users, Instructors, and Guests follow the range Standard Operating Procedures, regulations, and safety policies. They conduct range safety briefings, perform range inspections, educate shooters on range policy and firearm safety, supervise live-fire activities, assist with firearm stoppages and malfunctions, and are responsible for emergency and critical incident management. Firearms Instructor - An individual who has met the NRA, OPTA, and/or the State of Ohio's certification requirements with respect to firearms instruction. Range User - A shooter, student, participant, Firearms Instructor, or any other person at the range to teach, learn, compete, discharge firearms, or otherwise participate in an activity. Guest - Any person on the Proving Grounds property with a non-shooting role, such as a spectator, spotter, vendor, contractor, etc. Staff Member - Director, employee, volunteer, or member of Proving Grounds staff. NOMENCLATURE CRSO - Chief Range Safety Officer. RSO - Range Safety Officer. Firing Line - The point from which Range Users may engage targets. Determined by Range Rules, RSO, or by agreement between shooters. Live Fire - A deliberate, controlled, and aimed course of fire in which every shot terminates into the earthen termination backstop. OPTA - Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy. Downrange - The area between the Firing Line and the earthen termination backstop. Rapid Fire - Firing more than two shots in a one-second period. Uncontrolled Fire - Shooting from the hip, firing a rifle, carbine, or shotgun without the buttstock against the shooter's shoulder, or any other type of firing in which the firearm is not aimed, by having the shooter's eye aligned with the firearm sights and the sights aligned with an approved target. This section does not apply to law enforcement training scenarios under the direct supervision of a Firearms Instructor. The use of BUMP Stocks is prohibited. SOP- Standard Operating Procedure.
  • General Range Safety Rules
    Basic Gun Safety Rules Rules for Using & Storing Firearms Be sure your firearm is safe to operate. Know how to operate your firearm safely. Use the correct ammunition for your firearm. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting. Store guns so that they are not accessible to unauthorized persons or children. Wear ear and eye protection when the Firing Line is Hot. Certain types of firearms and many shooting activities require additional safety precautions. If in doubt, ask the RSO or Firearms Instructor. General Safety Rules Know and obey the standard Range Safety Rules and commands. Always know where others are. Shoot only at authorized targets. Stop shooting immediately upon hearing the "CEASE-FIRE" command. Yell "CEASE-FIRE, CEASE FIRE" if you see anything unsafe. ANYONE can call a Cease-Fire. Unload, open the action, ground, or bench all firearms after a cease-fire call or when someone moves Downrange of the Firing Line. When two or more shooters are present, in the absence of an RSO, shooters shall consult with each other before moving Downrange from the Firing Line. DO NOT handle a firearm or stand at the Firing Line while others are Downrange. Designate an RSO when none is present or assigned.
  • Requirements for Range Users
    Who May Use the Range Range Users 13 - 17 years old must be under the direct one-on-one supervision of a parent or a Firearms Instructor. While on the range, the youth must be within arm's reach of the adult while shooting or handling firearms. Adults in charge of youths will not be allowed to shoot. Range Users 18 - 20 years old shall be permitted to shoot rifles or defensive shotguns alone and handguns only if not accompanied by a responsible adult 21-years old or older. Individuals less than 21-years old in possession of a handgun will not be allowed on the range. They will be asked to leave the property, except for competitive pistol shooters, in the presence of a parent or Firearms Instructor. Women who are pregnant should consult their physician before participating in shooting activities. Who May NOT Use the Range Persons under disability or prohibited possessors, as defined by ORC §2923.13, shall not use the range. A non-immigrant alien is someone who is in the United States temporarily, usually on a work, student, or tourist visa. Under the provisions of 27 CFR 178.97, non-immigrant aliens are prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms and ammunition while in the United States unless they are a citizen or national of one of the countries listed in the Visa Waiver Program or meet any one of the listed exceptions in section 922(y)(2) of the GCA (See Appendix A). No alcohol or drugs are allowed on the range property. Range Users showing signs of impairment shall be barred from handling any firearms and asked to leave the property. Although Ohio has legalized medical marijuana, being under the influence of marijuana or any other substance, legal or illegal, is a disqualification from participation in firearms-related activities. Children at the Range Due to the potential for injury surrounding firearms use, Range Users are discouraged from bringing children to the range. Children under the age of six shall not be permitted on the property. All children must be supervised by a parent or guardian while on the property. No child shall be left in a vehicle. All children must have size-appropriate eye and ear protection while visiting the range during Live Fire events.
  • Targets, Backstops, Prohibited Actions
    Personal Responsibility Every Range User is personally responsible for the projectiles discharged from their firearm and any injury or damage they may cause. Flagging: Range Users who inadvertently point the barrel of a firearm at another person or in an unsafe direction may be warned or immediately asked to leave the premises. Backstops & Side Berms All bullets MUST impact and terminate in the earthen termination backstop. Bullet impacts off the range area, into buildings, signs, storage containers, sheds, or any other structure, improvement, or range features are reckless, prohibited, and grounds for immediate expulsion. Range Users who intentionally or unintentionally shoot over berms will be immediately expelled from the property. Climbing upon or setting targets on the earthen termination backstop or side berms is prohibited. Targets Range User shall only affix paper targets to the yellow target backers provided at the Target Line or on portable target stands positioned at an appropriate distance from the backstop. No other targets will be allowed except for supplemental targets supplied by the Proving Grounds. TARGETS SHALL NEVER BE PLACED ON THE VERTICAL TARGET LINE POSTS. No Range User shall intentionally shoot at the vertical Target Line posts. Range Users may engage the provided steel targets provided they do so from a safe distance and under the supervision of a Firearms Instructor or Proving Grounds Staff Member. The bottom of any handgun target shall be mounted a minimum of three feet off the ground. Range #1 Firing Line All Range Users MUST fire from the same Firing Line. The Firing Line must parallel with, and equidistant from, the earthen termination backstop. Range Users MUST move forward or backward as a group under the direction of the RSO or Firearms Instructor. RIFLE - The 100-yard covered firing position is for live rifle fire ONLY. NEVER engage targets using handguns at this distance. HANDGUNS—Handguns may be used to engage targets on the established target backers from distances up to 30 yards from the earthen backstop. A handgun shooter must NEVER engage targets from the covered firing position at 100 yards. Prohibited Targets & Actions Clay-pigeon and aerial target shooting of any kind is prohibited. Shooting at bowling pins, golf balls, glass bottles, cans, rocks, etc., is prohibited. Hunting, shooting, or harassing animals on the range property is prohibited. Fishing on the range property is prohibited. Tannerite or explosive targets are prohibited. Uncontrolled Firing at any target is prohibited. Bump Stocks are prohibited.
  • Firearms & Ammunition Rules
    Handguns Handguns may be used on Range #1, provided the distance to the Backstop is 30 yards or less. Rifle Caliber Pistols: These are semi-automatic firearms, such as AK and AR-pattern pistols that chamber rifle-caliber cartridges, have no stocks, and have unsuppressed barrel lengths less than 16". Sub-Gun Pistols: These are semi-automatic, compact, pistol-caliber weapons without stocks that have unsuppressed barrel lengths less than 16". Examples include HK SP5 variants, CZ Scorpion, Sig-Sauer MPX, and Kel-Tec Sub-2000. Rifle Caliber Pistols and Sub-Gun Pistols shall be treated as Handguns under these rules, provided they are fired WITHOUT the aid of a shoulder-fired pistol brace. Rifle Caliber Pistols and Sub-Gun Pistols shall be treated as Rifles under these rules, provided they are shoulder-fired WITH the aid of a pistol brace. Rifles Rifles of all calibers, except those identified as prohibited below, can be used on either Range #1 or Range #2 (Temporarily Closed). The largest rifle caliber allowed is .308. The following calibers are prohibited without special permission: .338 Lapua, .416 Barrett, .50 BMG, .50 DTC, .408, and 375 Cheyenne Tactical. Rifles used on Range #2 must be equipped with an optical sight or scope that is magnified appropriately for the target distance. Pistol Caliber Carbines with stocks and barrels of at least 16" are Rifles. ATF-approved short-barreled rifles are Rifles. Shotguns Shotguns firing slugs or 00 buckshot may be used on Range #1, provided the distance to the Backstop is 30 yards or less. Special Firearms Class 3 fully automatic weapon use is allowed by law enforcement personnel during training or demonstrations, provided that those weapons are under the supervision of a Class 3 firearms instructor and the weapons are tethered or otherwise affixed to the ground. Individual Range Users using short-barreled and suppressed firearms must have the proper tax stamp documentation for the firearm or device. Muzzle Loaders may be used with special permission. Simunition Firearms are those firearms chambered to fire non-lethal ammunition and may only be used under the close supervision of a certified Simunitions Instructor. Prohibited Firearms & Accessories Weapons prohibited by state and federal law are not permitted. Slide fire devices, bump stocks, hellfire stocks, or any other device that mimics automatic or Rapid Fire is prohibited. Firearms chambered for 50 caliber rounds are prohibited, except for law enforcement training. Armor-piercing, penetrating, green tip, steel core, tracer, and incendiary ammunition are prohibited. Paintball guns are prohibited.
  • Range Commands
    MISFIRE – Range Users call "MISFIRE" to signal the RSO and surrounding Range Users that a round did not fire when the trigger was pulled, and a hazardous condition may exist. The Range User should See Firearm Malfunctions below (See Firearms Malfunctions). PROTECTIVE GEAR ON, or EYES & EARS – Range Users should first put on their eye protection and then hearing protection. It is recommended that Range Users use earplugs and a headset for the best hearing protection. YOU MAY HANDLE YOUR FIREARM – Command from RSO preparing the line for Live Fire. This indicates that it is safe for Range Users to handle their firearms. Range Users may pick up their firearm, sight in on the target, make any final adjustments and prepare to load. At all times, keep the firearm's muzzle pointed Downrange. IS THE LINE READY? – RSO will question the Range Users to determine if all Range Users on the line are ready for Live Fire. Any Range Users that are NOT ready should indicate their status to the RSO. Sufficient time will be given for the Range User to complete his/her preparation. READY ON THE FIRING LINE? - RSO Command to notify all shooters that the range is about to be HOT and cleared for Live Fire. Any Range User that is not ready at that point should notify the RSO. Otherwise, await the next command. THE RANGE is HOT - COMMENCE FIRING - RSO declaration that the range is formally open for Live Fire. The Range User may commence the prescribed course of Live Fire. CEASE FIRE — ANYONE who notices unsafe conditions shall issue the Cease-Fire command. Range Users should immediately stop shooting, keep their firearm's muzzle pointed Downrange, remove fingers from the trigger guard, and await further instructions. When a CEASE-FIRE is called: Immediately stop shooting. Keep your firearm pointed Downrange, Remove your finger from the trigger guard. Wait for further instructions. MAKE SAFE - RSO command to render your firearm safe. Keep the firearm muzzle pointed Downrange and your finger off the trigger. Activate the firearm's safety if it is so equipped. Remove the source of ammunition. Clear the firearm and remove any chambered ammunition. Safety-check the firearm to ensure it is clear. Set the firearm down, leave the chamber open, and face up. Remain behind the Firing Line and do not touch your firearm. Wait for further instructions. Do not case or uncase any firearms until instructed. THE RANGE IS COLD/SAFE - RSO will notify Range Users on the Firing Line that the range is COLD/SAFE. YOU MAY CHECK YOUR TARGETS. The only time a Range User may move Downrange is when instructed to do so by the RSO or Firearms Instructor.
  • HOT Range vs. COLD Range
    COLD Range Only Range Users, spotters, parents, RSOs, and Firearms Instructors are allowed at the Firing Line. No Range User shall move forward of the Firing Line unless the range is SAFE/COLD, and they are instructed to do so by an RSO or Firearms Instructor. All firearms must be unloaded, with action open, and pointed Downrange at the earthen termination backstop until the range is HOT. Range Users may NOT handle firearms when the line is SAFE/COLD and there are people forward of the Firing Line. Plastic barrels, vehicles, or other shooting position barricades may only be used under a Firearms Instructor's direct supervision. Malfunctioning firearms must not be used. Mobile phones distract the attention of the user and those around them and are therefore prohibited at the Firing Line. If you need to text, check email, or make a call, wait until a break and do so off the range. Filming or taking photos on the range is prohibited for the same reason. Spectators must stay outside the Range Area. HOT Range Range Users must not approach or leave a Firing Line while the range is HOT. Eye and ear protection are mandatory when the range is HOT. Leave dropped ammunition on the ground until the range is SAFE/COLD and firearms are benched or grounded. This policy prevents shooters from unintentionally pointing their firearm in an unsafe direction while retrieving dropped ammunition or inadvertently moving in front of the Firing Line. It is each Range User's duty and responsibility to bring unsafe actions to the attention of the RSO. If the offense is urgent, ANY Range User may call a "CEASE FIRE" at any time. The Firing Line can be called "HOT" only by the person calling a "CEASE FIRE" or the RSO. Dry firing is permitted on the Firing Line only when the range is HOT. Shoot only at the target mounted in front of your lane. Cross lane firing is prohibited. Warning: It is not uncommon for a firearm to eject a hot cartridge after firing and for this hot cartridge to come into contact with bare skin. Although unpleasant, it will not cause a severe burn. DO NOT panic, overreact, or jerk in reflex to this situation, or you will put yourself and others in danger. If it is a problem, stop, remove your finger from the trigger guard, keep your weapon pointed down-range, make your weapon safe, put the weapon down, and advise the RSO if you need assistance.
  • Range Housekeeping
    All shooters must remove and pack out their used targets and trash before leaving the range. Clean-up includes picking up brass and putting it in the designated barrels. Please do not place loose brass in the garbage bins; they belong only in the designated barrels. If you use the training classroom, you must empty the trash cans and sweep the floor. Please return the tables and chairs to the position where you found them when you arrived. Remove all trash from the range. This includes empty cases, cleaning patches, paper targets, and ammo boxes.
  • Personal Hygiene
    For their safety, Range Users should not consume food or drink, smoke, apply makeup, or place their hands in the proximity of their mouth or nose while on the range or cleaning a firearm. Range Users are advised to wash with water following shooting activities. Changing clothing after shooting or a firearm cleaning session will minimize exposure to airborne lead, solvent, and cleaning product residues. Pregnant women, children under the age of seven, and others with health concerns should consult a physician before visiting a shooting range.
  • Firearms Malfunctions
    For Civilian Training Classes: If there is a firearm malfunction, keep the muzzle pointed Downrange (preferably on target) for at least 30 seconds in case it is a hang fire, then clear the malfunction if you are capable. If a Range User cannot clear their firearm after a malfunction, they should declare "MISFIRE" and raise their free hand to alert the RSO that a round did not fire when they pulled the trigger. Do not carry the firearm to the RSO or Firearms Instructor under any condition. Cartridges that have failed to fire correctly should be removed from the range or placed in the receptacles provided on each range. NEVER look down the barrel of a firearm to diagnose a malfunction. If you drop your firearm, NEVER attempt to catch it. Let it fall to the ground and then safely retrieve it.
  • Appendix A - Non-Immigrant Alien Usage
    Under the provisions of 27 CFR 178.97, non-immigrant aliens are prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms and ammunition while in the United States unless they are a citizen or national of one of the countries listed in the Visa Waiver Program (below) or meet any ONE of the below listed exceptions in section 922(y)(2) of the GCA. Exceptions: Possess a hunting license or permit lawfully issued by the Federal Government, a state or local government, or an Indian tribe federally recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which is valid and unexpired. The hunting license does not have to be from the State of Ohio. There are several online sites where a prospective hunter can get a license. Any state is fine as long as it is valid. Were admitted to the United States for lawful hunting or sporting purposes Is an official representative of a foreign government who is accredited to the United States Government or the Government’s mission to an international organization having its headquarters in the United States. Are an official of a foreign government or are designated as a distinguished foreign visitor by the Department of State, or Are a foreign law enforcement officer of a friendly foreign government entering the United States on official law enforcement business. Has received a waiver issued by the Attorney General of the United States or Department of Justice and obtaining approval under section 922(y)(3). Permanent resident aliens and aliens lawfully admitted to the U.S. without a visa (e.g. Visa Waiver Program) do not fall within the prohibition, and therefore do not need to meet one of the above exemptions to shoot a firearm or train at Proving Grounds. The following 38 countries are Visa Waiver Program participants: Andorra Australia Austria Belgium Brunei Chile Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal San Marino Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan United Kingdom No exceptions will be made to this policy. If you are from a foreign country and do not fit the criteria outlined above, you will not be able to use the range or participate in training. Source:
  • Revision History
    07/01/21 - v.1.1.1 - Initial Release. 04/14/22 - v.1.1.2 - Minor updates and editorial changes to all sections. 06/18/24 - v.1.1.3 - Minor updates and editorial changes to all sections. Addition of definitions and rules for Rifle Caliber Pistols and Sub-Gun Pistols. Instructions to Pack Out Trash. 01/31/25 - V.1.1.4 - Emphasized that users must pack out ALL trash. Emphasized that 500-yard range shooting tower must not be used if 100-yard range is occupied. Added: If you use the training classroom, you must empty the trash cans and sweep the floor. Also, return the tables and chairs to the position where you found them when you arrived.



RANGE Address: 

     16990 Kinsman Road

     Middlefield, Ohio


No Mail to this Address

contact us

MAILING Address: 

     The Proving-Grounds

     P.O. Box 596

     Burton, Ohio 44021


TEL 440-223-2392

Hours of operation 

By Scheduled Appointment

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